and for Couples who would like to do Marriage Enrichment
A man and a woman consecrate themselves to be committed to one another until parted by death in this sacrament. They promise to be true to each other, called to the unity that their love leads them into, and to procreate, to be open to children as a gift from God. Contact our priests at least six months prior to wedding date.
For more resources and planning visit
En este sacramento, un hombre y una mujer se consagran para comprometerse el uno con el otro hasta que la muerte los separe. Prometen ser fieles el uno al otro, llamados a la unidad a la que los conduce su amor, y a procrear, a estar abiertos a tener hijos como un don de Dios. Póngase en contacto con nuestros sacerdotes al menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda.
¿Estás planeando una boda católica? Dale una mirada a estos recursos y obtén respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes:
This is a sacrament that expresses a person’s call to religious life. The ordination to the priesthood or diaconate commits a person for life to their calling to the people of God as a servant in both cases, but also as the “Alter Christus” (another Christ), who offers the sacrifice at mass on our behalf, in the case of the priesthood.
Diocese of Little Rock
Rev. Jeffrey P. Hebert
Vocation Director for the Diocese of Little Rock
"Fishers of Men" about
Catholic Priesthood by USCCB
"The Making of a Catholic Priest"
Hear the Vocations Stories of some of our Diocesan Seminarians!
The Congregation of the Mission (C.M. = the Vincentians):
Fr. Jim Osendorf, C.M.
Vocation Director for the Congregation of the Mission, US Western Province